Se quiser, quando o frango já estiver assado, espalhe ervas e tomates cereja por cima e volte ao forno por mais uns 5 minutinhos. Dá um colorido bem bonito ao prato. Pode levar a travessa direto à mesa.
Adoro fazer esse frango, porque é saboroso e saudável. O frango assa com a própria gordura e o suco que o limão solta com o calor do forno. Maravilhoso.
In English
Use chicken pieces with skin, can be thighs and drumsticks, but also pieces of breast. Season as desired (I use salt, black pepper freshly ground and a little garlic powder). Arrange on a tray that can go in the oven. Cut a lemon into slices and then in half - like a half moon. Spread the lemon half moons between the chicken pieces. Bake.
If desired, when the chicken is already baked, sprinkle herbs and cherry tomatoes on top and return to oven for another 5 extra minutes. It gives a very beautiful color to the dish. I love cook this chicken because it is tasty and healthy. The chicken bakes into the own fat and lemon juice. Wonderful.
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