Massa típica da Toscana, a região mais charmosa da Itália. É chamado quatro Ps porque os quatro ingredientes usados começam com P: Prosciutto de Parma crudo (presunto cru, de Parma), Piselli (ervilhas), Panna di latte (creme de leite), e Parmigiano Grana Padano (Queijo parmesão do norte da Itália - o mais saboroso).Typical pasta of Tuscany, one of the most charming regions of Italy. It is called four Ps because the name of four ingredients beginning with P: Parma Prosciutto crudo (raw ham from Parma), Piselli (peas), latte di Panna (cream), Grana Padano and Parmigiano (parmesan cheese from northern Italy - the most tasty).
Easy to do: Fry in butter a little garlic and ham ... then add the peas, cream, and finally, half the parmesan cheese. The rest, put on top when you serve. The pasta must be of good quality, cooked al dente in salted water.
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