Muito bom usar alho fresco - mas nada bom sentir o efeito indigesto desse condimento né?
E aproveitando que estamos falando de alho fresco, uma dica para tirar o cheiro das mãos.
Comidas boas, feitas muito rápido, com ingredientes que geralmente você tem na geladeira
This is a very good and quickie tip from my boss, Adib Muanis, the director of journalism at the TV Record Rio Preto (a city in São Paulo State, in Brazil).
Take pieces of chicken wrapped only with thin slices of bacon, arranged in a baking dish and topped with orange juice. Oven. Thats all.
Mexican recipe, much appreciated by the English people (Most of pubs serve it).
Easy to cook.
Just season the ground beef with salt and garlic. Fry in olive oil, add some chopped onion and fresh peppers - can be anyone. I love with jalapeño.
Then, finally, baked mexican beans with a little of the cooking broth. I usually mix two or three kinds of beans.
To serve: Doritos and some iceberg lettuce on the side. If you prefer, you can eat with rice seasoned with curry and salad.